Week One Highlights- Popup Camper Journey

I have so much to share about week one and living in a popup camper, so I decided to tell the story in a condensed best of/worst of format. Best innovation: Hangers with clips to dry wet clothes Best camp food: Lentil stew cooked in dutch oven over the fire Best drink: Iced tea made…

Black Hills, Custer State Park

The property where I am staying is lovely, with tennis courts, miniature golf, pool, hot tub and more; however, this is not my thing. I have close neighbors and can hear them yelling and their phones ringing. Dogs bark. I long for more solitude and a beautiful natural setting. I have not gotten out my…

Mini Mods for Popup Camper

I spent part of my first full day settling in and getting things inside the popup camper “just so”. Think Goldilocks and the three bears. I don’t like a lot of clutter in the camper…everything needs to have a place. I brought along some of those sticky hooks that you can find everywhere. I found…

Preparing for 6-Weeks of Travel with Popup Camper

A record number of people read my blog yesterday, about using Furoshiki for packing. It seems that preparing and packing is an appealing topic. So, before I share my pillow-case-packing-tip, I thought I would step back and share some of my advance planning. Six weeks is a long time to be away from my work…

DIY Camp Shower Bag

Usually I take “sponge” baths when camping. This is easy with a sink and stove to heat hot water in the popup. However, during my upcoming extended trip I will have to find a shower now and then (campgrounds or elsewhere) The problems with these showers: I need a bath mat and flip-flops since I…

Camping Apps

I was delighted to find that KOA compiled a list of useful camping apps. I have not used any yet but will try them while on my trip. The KOA list: 1. Study Stars: GoSkyWatch Planetarium Easily and quickly identify and locate stars, planets, constellations, galaxies and more by simply pointing to the sky. It’s…

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuusy and Graduation Photos

My departure date is approaching- July 14–but work is so busy (Vacation Bible School, etc) I barely have time to write about my preparations and plans. This past week I hosted 4 wonderful young adult VBS counselors at my house. Now that they are gone, its time to tie up all the work loose ends…

Denver Mini-Adventure

Tomorrow I leave for a 3-day trip to Denver. I have some work-related appointments Thursday, and my son is moving to a new apartment on Friday (emptied out the van so I can help him). On Saturday, he graduates from fire academy. I am looking forward to spending time with him and his lovely lady,…