Climate Change Hall of Fame: Taiwan

  I learned about so many innovations over at Smithsonian Magazine in the article, How Taiwan Has Achieved One of the Highest Recycling Rates in the World. “Stories like this one give me so much hope. What could be better than using post-consumer waste, like aluminum cans, shoe soles, and cigarette butts into building materials?! So much…

Denver Bound

On Monday I fly off to Denver again, to a minister’s conference. Yes, even ministers have their version of rock-stars, and I will be hearing some of my favorites speak about……..preaching! The event planners are considerate of minister schedules, so the conference begins Monday PM and ends Friday at noon. This ensures that we can…

All is Well

I have to admit, my writing muse is silent at the moment. I think she has been crocheting and curling up under a warm afghan. Deep winter in the Northern Plains is an interesting time. Temps warmed enough to take a long walk at one of the local lakes. The air seemed balmy at 40…

San Francisco and New York Composting Programs

A thriving composting and recycling effort in San Francisco has not only been good for the environment, but also good for the economy. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, recycling creates nearly five times as many jobs as sending material to a landfill. A study from the Blue Green Alliance also states that if…

In Search of the Perfect Mop

This weekend I have a wedding. On Sunday, we have a Baptism, Sunday School awards, and Memorial Day acknowledgements! However, nothing is more important than my search for the perfect mop : ) I do have a mop already, and it is only a year old.  The problem is, the mop is headless (sponge less…