All is Well

I have to admit, my writing muse is silent at the moment. I think she has been crocheting and curling up under a warm afghan. Deep winter in the Northern Plains is an interesting time.

Temps warmed enough to take a long walk at one of the local lakes. The air seemed balmy at 40 degrees, but the sky was overcast. That gray sky is a big difference between Wyoming and North Dakota–most  days in Wyoming are a brilliant blue. A great time to be out, anyway, even if the photos are lifeless.

Anyone up for a swim on the frozen lake? I hear that the lake ice can be 2-3 feet thick, or more!

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There is more to see in the photo below than you might realize. The long, horizontal line across the lower center is the edge of a picnic table. The black rectangle is the BBQ. Yes, the snow at this spot was as deep as a picnic table.

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A view of the lake from a shelter:

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The snow is up to Tango’s belly, so we decided to skip this part of the trail. We mostly walked the roads.

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To entertain myself I visited a thrift store in Jamestown (hour+ drive). Found a winter coat and some other clothing. Since I now have 3 long wool coats and several parkas, I shall stop coat hunting. However, still trying to buy everything second-hand or sew. That seems to be something that is easy to do, in terms of being more thrifty and eco-friendly.

That brings me to my winter project, which includes finding simple ways to reduce household waste and other ways to be a better steward of our resources. Like water, I find a path of least resistance–a way to reduce, reuse, and recycle without spending too much time.  The things that are easy for me to control:

  • Buying second hand
  • Donating excess and used stuff to charities
  • Recycling (I have to take my recycling to a town about 30 miles from here, but only drop off if I am already heading that way).
  • Sewing
  • Avoiding excess packaging and single-serving items from the grocery
  • Ordering things online rather than driving long distances to shop (and wasting gas)
  • Unconsuming–a fancy word for not buying stuff.

When my – yawn- muse wakes up from her winter nap, I will share more about my efforts. Here is a great read from a “zero waste” aficionado.

Right now, a gentle snow falls and the Cedar Waxwings are nibbling berries from the front trees. Another “clipper” is moving in which means a week or more of wind chill warnings and snow. But, I am not cowed by the newest round of winter–the days are slowly lengthening and I know spring will come. Lent activities will keep me busy until then.

Oh yes…I go to Denver President’s Day weekend, to see my son, his fiance, and meet her family. Oh joy!