
Rules: a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere. Football rules, classroom rules, family rules. They are not laws, which bring legal consequences if broken. Still, we learn to live by the rules established by our culture, our generation, our family, and we can suffer social…

More About Auction Sales

When we last met I was writing a series about auction sales. A two-day minister continuing education event, youth group, Halloween, and Sunday worship interrupted that train of thought. On Monday, I fired up the faux fireplace, curled up into a little ball inside my warmest comforter, like a squirrel easing into hibernation in her…

Insider Look at Auction Sales

Last winter, a local lamented about all the stuff in his house. With a sigh he said, At least my auction sale will be a good one. Now, I love the words auction and sale, and when I hear them together my toes start tingling. Auction sale? When? Where? What? You know, when I die and…

The Small Town Yard Sale

In many small towns, yard sales are a colossal event, providing something to do on Saturday mornings and giving locals a place to shop locally for things that require a 70-mile drive to a bigger town. While living in Wyoming, I looked forward to May when flowers and yard sales bloomed. After collecting addresses all…

When in Wishek…

I am starting to feel like a local. For one thing, I made a dessert for the annual Fireman’s Fundraising Dinner. I don’t bake often, but I loved it. I used a recipe that the local “Germans from Russia” make (Two-Tone dessert, made with pudding, cream cheese, and Cool Whip on a flour/nut crust and…

Great Week with Young People

What a busy but blessed week I’ve had. As I mentioned earlier, 5 young adults stayed in my home. They were counselors for our Vacation Bible School. So my days were filled with the zeal our young kids and the mornings/evenings with the banter of young adults. How lucky I am to spend time with…