Starting to Harvest!!!

It’s been a while since I have posted! I was certain that the gardening season was over when we got the “no outside watering” notice. However, the City lifted the ban after 3 days…so I am watering again.

Somehow, things are still trying to grow. The season is not a total loss. I picked eggplant, summer squash, and few tomatoes this morning. Also waiting to be picked: cabbage babies and more peas. A few carrots finally came up.

Weeds, of course, are everywhere; they do not seem to need much of anything to thrive. I put down lots of cardboard and newspaper between the rows. It looks awful but I will never have enough time to pull all the weeds, and I know it will work well.

The garden wasn’t much to look at this year anyway.

I will post photos in a few days!