5K Training Week 4

It is hard to believe I finished week 4 already. It is the first real week of training. I was going to start counting weeks all over again, but stuff happens (like snow). Keeping the count going will give me a true idea how long it takes to be fit enough to run a 5K.

The goal this week was consistency. I did pretty well, getting out the total number of times I planned for. On Thursday, however, I was so achy from working on an elliptical that I listened to my body and had a rest day. I did a run/walk this morning to make up for it (Sunday is usually me rest day).

My week:

  • Mon – Walk/run treadmill)
  • Tues – Cross train- lift boxes of library books (yes that counts)
  • Wed- Cross train: elliptical, treadmill, weights
  • Thurs – rest day
  • Friday-  3 miles run/walk (from my house to where W. Walnut ends at Preuit Rd)
  • Saturday – Cross train: heavy yard work-1 hour
  • Sunday – 3.5 miles run walk (out Antelope Gap Rd, which has nice shoulders. It was gorgeous this morning, lots of meadowlarks singing to me)

My goal this week is also consistency. I will be traveling so this is going to take come creativity. I will be stopping and camping along the way so should be able to get the job done.

While in Ohio I am planning to walk/run a Mother’s Day 5K. It is near my mom’s house and is a fundraiser for the local park system. I have two more training weeks before then. My goal is to walk one minute, run 3 minutes (right now I am walk three, run one) in that 5Kimages