5K Training – Week 2.2

I had been thinking about just giving up on the running goal. I walk often and keep busy gardening, but I have been fearful of wogging again. I felt sooooo old after having so many muscle problems. However, at just the right moment I heard about a twice weekly exercise class. It is mostly a…

5K Training – Week 6

Boy, did I poop out last week. The massage helped but everything still hurt. I managed to stretch out a bit and walk a few times, but that is it! I don’t know what hit me. For a while I obsessed about having Rocky Mountain Tick Fever or Lyme Disease, after finding some ticks on…

My 5K – Muscle Issues

Good Morning, Packing up my mom’s house is a slow and frustrating! There is so much accumulation, that we will only get the basics packed. The movers will get the furniture and boxes out. The rest of the stuff will get hauled off later…someday! In the meantime I have been trying to keep up 5K…

5K Training Week 4

It is hard to believe I finished week 4 already. It is the first real week of training. I was going to start counting weeks all over again, but stuff happens (like snow). Keeping the count going will give me a true idea how long it takes to be fit enough to run a 5K.…

5K Training – Week 3

Sometimes Mother Nature has her own timeline. It is always wise to accept it…never mess with Mother Nature. Translation: I didn’t get much 5K training in, in fact I spent most of my training time indoors being lazy and watching the wonderful snow fall. However, mother nature did pause long enough for my perfect running…