Crazy Hobby, Crazier Word

Omphaloskepsis: I have not decided which is funnier, the word or what it describes. The word does not give much in the way of clues…well the “espsis” suggests it is a diagnosis of a physical/mental condition.

Yes! But what else? Ignore the “phal” as it has nothing to do with that body part. Any guesses? Here is a clue:


omphaloskepsis = contemplation of one’s navel as part of a mystical exercise.

This news comes a day late. I could have spent the frigid winter so engaged, but winter may be gone for good–today the sun is shining and the daffodils are blooming. I am going to write this on the calendar for next winter. Furthermore, instead of a sermon this week, I will have the congregation  sit in contemplation of their navels. Who knows! It might take us somewhere new. Or they might send me flying off on the next wind gust!

Aldous Huxley actually used the word, as follows:

…as a mere illusion, who run away from it and devote their time and energy to occupations which Mr. Cardan sums up and symbolises in the word omphaloskepsis .
— Aldous Huxley, Those Barren Leaves , 1925
Possible uses for the rest of us:
No dear, I am not sleeping. I am meditating on my navel, otherwise known as omphaloskepsis
Pastor, I am trying to find the meaning of the universe through omphaloskepsis, but all I find is belly button lint
Next book title: Omphaloskepsis: Life Loss and Healing in the Navel