I Survived the Polar Vortex Winter

According to Wheatland locals, they haven’t seen a winter like this one in a long time. Yes, it was bitter cold and snowy for a loooong time. I remember being all excited about the first snow storm and the early sub-zero temperatures. It got old fast after that.

So, how did I survive? Here are my secrets:

1. Stock up on smokehouse almonds–extra fats help a person stay warmer : )

2. Buy 3 new sets of Cuddle Duds, especially the fleecy soft ones

3. Buy a new stretching DVD, use every time the old body freezes up

4. Obsess about both NFL and college football playoffs, then obsess about Olympics

5. Dream about a trip to the Caribbean

6. Fly to CA, where it was almost as cold

7. Sew up a new, lined wool poncho that is dressy enough for hospital visits when the temps are -36 degrees (don’t forget to sew up sides too or the wind will whip it off body).

8. When the air is ultra cold and dry, take baths every two days so skin does not flake off (but always before a hospital visit)

9. Write lots of sermons about perseverance, wear two sets of Cuddle Duds when delivering sermons

10. Monitor temps in Barrow, Alaska for that smug “it could be worse” feeling (unless they are warmer, which happened several times this year)

11. Work on an excessive number of camper projects.

12. Publish a book

Looking back, it wasn’t so bad. Yeah, right. When do I get my free “I Survived” t-shirt???

By the way, it’s not over yet. Tonight will be 28 degrees with light snow. Again. Again. Again. Hey, my daffodils are coming up!

