Sleepy Start!!

Well, after church everyone toured Half Moon to see where I will be living for the next 6 weeks. After folks left I decided to lie down on my bed in the camper and “rest” for a minute before I put the camper into travel mode. I woke up three hours later.

My last job before leaving was to visit several ladies in Assisted Living so I dashed up there. When I got home I decided to lay on the camper bed a few minutes before packing up….and I woke up at 5 AM this morning. It is amazing how we push on and on and then simply collapse.

I should get on the road as planned: before lunch today. I have a dentist appointment and now have to get the camper ready to roll. More photos later and a hello from my first stop in the Black Hills tonight. Also: the big reveal of the Woman Cave project. I love it.


Camp Driveway, where I spent the night:
