The Call Unfolding

So many people were surprised when I left the nice church and great people in Wheatland. Yet, I had a nagging feeling that would not go away, a feeling that I recognize as a God thing. The message was: time to move on, I have something else for you. I have learned not to run from this call, but to step out on wobbly legs and make a leap of faith.

As I processed making a change, I felt another God thing, which said:expand your search area. The openings in my home territory (Mountain Time Zone) were sparse and many were part-time or troubled situations.I dreamed about Montana or elsewhere to the north, which would give access to the far, far north. I also dreamed about the coastline in south Texas.

I had details to work out about the transition, such as earning some money to help with expenses while unemployed (subbing) and stretching my money. I had some financial challenges (car died). But mostly opportunities presented themselves, including a place to live in Wheatland for free (with a garage to store my things).

When I decided to make a leap of faith and find a new church home, besides wanting a great church in a good community, I prayed for an interesting new terrain to explore and a nice living space. I asked for something with trees where I can hang bird feeders, a comfortable place to sit in the back yard, and a garden space. I tossed in a wish for a two-car garage and hoped for some interesting birds. Of course, I did not expect to receive all these things and I vowed to stay open-minded.

Voila! My job ended 6 weeks ago and I am now called to a fabulous church in a completely new terrain, and sitting in that dream house–which even has a little room in the basement for storing pickles and canned goods– looking through huge windows onto a large, bare tree that is covered with orange berries. Snow blows gently from the branches.

However, this is not really about me. I write about all of this because I want to share how following the God call works. The hardest part is to hear and respond positively to the call, and the next difficulty is letting go and having faith that if God calls, the details will fall into place. Was it scary? Not really, except the financial part.

The way it unfolds and perhaps some of the God stuff is not really clear until you land and can look back. For example, I am technically back in the Midwest (northern mid-west). I grew up in the Midwest (Ohio) and have spent my life journeying, searching, learning. Now I am, in some ways, back home. This is the classic spiritual life journey, although not everyone must literally leave home and wander for 40 years. Joseph Campbell and many others call this the hero’s journey, not that the person is any kind of hero, but they are able to return home filled and at peace. Some great reads: The Hero with a Thousand Faces , Homer’s The Odyssey and Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life by Richard Rohr. I am re-reading the Odyssey, starting tonight!

Indeed, I feel among my “people” once again.I have been warmly welcomed and accepted in all the places where I lived, but have always been an outsider is some ways. Here, the houses and streets are familiar. I recognize the values and attitudes. I love the endless bird migrations right now, which I remember watching as a girl. Even some of the food is familiar (creamed corn). All business is transacted over a lovely meal. I could go on and on about the home feeling I get here.

An especially interesting fact about North Dakota: it has more church-goers (higher attendance) than any other state. However, the churches are familiar Mainline denominations (especially Lutheran) and Catholic churches. I have not found any evangelical or Bible-belt, Bible thumping influences. A simple, balanced faith is still the foundation of a good life here. People value church and attend, participate, and commit. Truthfully, this is a minister’s dream.

So, I look back and think: wow! God knows what He is doing. He knew when it was time for me to leave and set me right down in Wishek, ND. He knew it was time for the journey to lead me back to “home” where I can serve with renewed energy and share a life full of hard-won lessons.

Just now I look back up at the berry-filled tree in the front yard and see about 8 Pine Grosbeak birds– a new one for my life list. I swear they look inside at me and say, yep, you are home. When I first drove into Wishek, a Bald Eagle flew over the van and circled. Such welcoming birds!

By the way, you can read my Sunday sermon, God’s Guidance in Changing Times, (which clinched the job) at ReverendJane.


Pine Grosbeak