Christmas Day – Wishek 2014

Christmas Day. Around 4 PM, I drove into the countryside. The sky was foggy and dusk was settling in.  First stop, Green Lake. I zoomed in on these ice fishing houses.

ice fishing ice fishing 2Next stop, my new camping spot.


That white stripe in the center is a lake


An old homestead sits nearby. Settlers built the home from sod bricks, then later framed, over the bricks.

bricks best

Sod bricks

house 3

house 2 bricks 2The old family car

car best

Another old homestead.


other houseAncient outbuildings.

out buldingsDriving further east, into the foggy dusk, I spot deer in the distance.

deer (2)

Two specks, three deer in each, on the horizon


Got em with the zoom. Love the silhouette against the snow.