Bumming Around

aIn case you are wondering, I am currently an RV bum, hunkered down in an RV park, working part time for a while, and working out a plan to live in my RV, work, and travel from now on. I don’t have everything figured out at this point.

For now, besides working in the plant department and reveling in my first love (horticulture), I am also taking two online classes. One is an advanced Reiki class. I am already a Reiki Master, but this class will allow me to teach it to others. Not that anyone is knocking on my door looking for Reiki healing. It’s a personal thing. I want to contribute to the healing of our environment and culture. Kind of like being a prayer warrior but different.

The other course is Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL or ESL). I will obtain my TESL Certificate, which will allow me to teach ESL. ESL teachers are in demand and I am hoping this credential will contribute to the coffers. I am a bit burned out on churches right now and have said no to two church job offers.

What I am getting to here, however, is finding Internet service for my online classes. The RV park has WiFi, but I live at the other end, where no signal has ever gone. I could get a WiFi hotspot, but I am low income at the moment. I need 3-4 hours at a time to do school work and write posts. I can’t sit in one place that long  (a derriere thing) so I have developed a rotation system. Today, for example, I am off work all day. Around 11 AM I went to the coffee shop and wrote a bunch of posts for 2 hours. I filled my belly to the brim with coffee, since my next stop, the public library, does not offer refreshments. I searched the catalog for Edward Abbey, then, after procrastinating as long as possible and peeing numerous times thanks to the coffee, I started in on the TESL coursework. I have enough research downloaded now for that paper, so I can actually finish at home, offline. However, I have to upload the paper when I finish this evening, so will have to trek a few blocks to the McDonald’s and use their Internet. I feel guilty using it without buying something so, at first, I purchase an ice cream cone or decaf if they have some brewed. Now I load Tango  and drive a few blocks to the McD’s parking lot and work in the van, where I can access their signal just fine. I often finish my project at night so I sneak out in my PJs rather than getting all dressed up again.

I wonder, though, if the WiFi hot spot would be cheaper. I spend about $5 when following this rotation, but it only happens a few days per week. So, $10/week = $40/month. No, I think the hotspot is more, but I will check.

Its a new lifestyle but I love it. I especially love the library! Unlimited books, magazines, e-books through Kindle, streaming music. I was already a little media piggy, but with totally free stuff, I am simply gluttonous.


My personal public library. Architecture based on Hogwarts Dining Hall



One thought on “Bumming Around

  1. I think Hone Depot has free WiFi too if you’re into hardware :) Sometimes laundromats. Sounds like you’ve got some good ideas…exciting!

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