A Short Affair

It was not short and sweet, just short. That happens, especially when you did not know someone long enough to make an a good decision. That is how it was for me and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

I was deeply smitten. I felt like she was the perfect balance to Trump. I hoped that, between his extremism and hers, we might get some nice middle-of-the-road decisions made in Washington.  I liked that she was young, energetic, and idealistic. I was not intimidated by her so-called Socialist leanings. Democratic Socialism in the affluent western world today is different from the Russian Social Democratic movement of the Bolsheviks over 100 years ago. Today’s version has a much gentler and lighter implication. Yes, it is still a critique about the perils of capitalism (putting profit above people), but it no longer implies or expects government control of our lives.  When high-profile people use the word Socialism today, they are usually referring to a form of compassionate capitalism, and the best example is found in the Scandinavian Countries. The worst example today is Venezuela. 

Anyway, I liked AOC’s commitment to her ideals and her ability to stand up to her large pool of haters on the right. I overlooked that she was the only Democrat to vote against an early proposal to reopen the government. She is allowed to make a statement (anti ICE funding in this case) for her constituents, especially when her one vote is not going to change the actual outcome for the rest of us. No problem there. Politicians do that all the time.

Here is what turned things sour for me and AOC. Last week, she stated that the world would end in 12 years if we don’t do something about climate change. Now, I am all about reducing our carbon emissions and am not suffering on my new low carbon diet. However, her claim is unsubstantiated. At most – and this is quite serious – we will have reached a tipping point in 12 years, and human habitation on the earth may not be able to continue much longer. But the world ending? Not likely. Humans and most animals may die off but the world is not going to end. If anything, once humans are gone, it will heal itself. AOC’s statement was poorly worded and really detracts from the science of climate change and the survival of humans. And then, there is the likelihood that such talk will reignite “the apocalypse is coming” religious freaks that have been blissfully silent for the last few years. This is not where we want to go with the climate change issue. It is distracting. It dilutes AOC’s credibility. It gives those in opposition to climate change one more way to show it is just paranoid speculation.

I also do not like that AOC is using some questionable statistics. These things make AOC more like Trump instead of a fresh antidote to him.

So,  I will continue to keep track of AOC because she is so compelling. I reserve the right to change my mind; however, my infatuation has weakened considerably

2 thoughts on “A Short Affair

  1. Her youth and limited experience are not in her favor.Hopefully, her outlook will modified by experience, but not so much as to turn her into your common politician.

    Kamala Harris has mmy interest, but she too has to reconcile ideals to practical economics. Medicare for all? How about simply starting with the over 56 crowd, then proceeding as the kinks and costs get worked out?

    • Thanks for your comments! I am still learning about Kamala Not sure yet. Not excited about Beto. Our best bet to oust Tr*** is probably a mainstream candidate like Harris or Biden.

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