Global Shipping Update

Earlier this year, I wrote about the global shipping machine. Approximately 90% of goods, globally, travel by ship. The amount of fuel those giant vessels use and the pollution they emit is unfathomable. Even worse, these ships are filled with crappy plastic junk that none of us really need. Plastic flower pots, cheap polyester clothing, and crummy shoes go round and round the globe, polluting our beautiful planet. Its the stuff that we buy at Costco, Sam’s Club, Walmart and other warehouse stores.

The most important point I made, however, is that if we want to work against climate change, we have more power than we realize. We have the power of changing our demand for all the crap from Asian countries. The shipping industry is dependent on our demand for all the junk. It should be a simple thing, I wrote, to stop our demand and slow down the shipping industry.

I did not know at the time that the forces of consumer demand were already slowing the global transportation machine. The combination of rising fuel prices, reduced demand, and excess shipping capacity is exerting it’s influence.

Global Shipping Industry Takes a Hit from China Slowdown

Global Shipping Rates Slump

This is great news. I love this example of how consumer demand can take on the big guys! I like to think that I have contributed in my own way, by refusing to buy plastics and unneeded stuff.  Not everyone is happy, however. As for the global economy, this could be disastrous, one of many economic downturns that will happen unless we take a thoughtful,  organized approach to reduce carbon emissions now.

That takes me to the Green New Deal. I will be writing about it but am reading everything I can first so my analysis is an informed one. All I know so far is that the Green New Deal looks great on paper! I have never been more ashamed of American leaders who mock and belittle the program and who are fear mongering! No more hamburgers- oh my. The selfishness and demeaning approach of our public figures is just mind-blowing. Looking at you, Meghan McCain! My brief period of respect for you is over!

Anyway, more later about the Green New Deal!