Aging in a Small Town

I ate my first noon dinner at the senior center yesterday. Yummm–roast pork and all the sides. I got an apple to take home for later. I enjoyed the company of the other 5 people at my table immensely. I also enjoyed slowing down midday.  I have work appointments today and tomorrow at noon so…

A Walk Down Walnut Way

I spend most of Thursday immersed in theological studies. A headache sets in after long hours spent with text. I decide to take a break, by stretching out on the sofa and listening to my Audible version of the book The Old Way: A Journey on Foot, by Robert MacFarlane. The book is about MacFarlane’s adventures…

5K Training – Week 8

There is not much to write. I did a nice long walk with my Perfect Running Partner, then nothing else all week. I have reached my annual 8 week drop out point. It’ is so embarrassing to have to admit it. However, because I have made a public commitment to run a 5K this year,…

5K Training – Week 7

5K Week 7 Ah…feeling much better this week. For one thing, I am back with the Perfect Running Partner (PRP) which makes it all so much more fun. And, out on her ranch I discovered she has the Perfect Running Trails (PRT). We did a meandering stroll of about 2.5 miles yesterday and it was…

5K Training – Week 6

Boy, did I poop out last week. The massage helped but everything still hurt. I managed to stretch out a bit and walk a few times, but that is it! I don’t know what hit me. For a while I obsessed about having Rocky Mountain Tick Fever or Lyme Disease, after finding some ticks on…

My 5K – Muscle Issues

Good Morning, Packing up my mom’s house is a slow and frustrating! There is so much accumulation, that we will only get the basics packed. The movers will get the furniture and boxes out. The rest of the stuff will get hauled off later…someday! In the meantime I have been trying to keep up 5K…