Janesjournals “Person of the Year”

In the last ten minutes, I have given much thought to my Person of the Year. My first impulse is always Bono, an incredible man. I am only so-so about his music but I adore him as a person and spiritual wanderer. (I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For). However, he gets lots of accolades already…

2014 Minister Fashion

Most of my minister friends own and wear “clerics”–those stuffy minister shirts that have a white band peeping through at the neck. I do not, for various reasons. The most important reason: I have so many other fashion options, why wear boring clerics? Every year at about this time I scan the Minister Fashion Update…

Trash Talk

I walk my dog up and down the alleys in the summer so I can peer into backyard gardens. I see what other people grow and their clever trellis ideas. Does that make me a Peeping Tomato? I also pass by everyone’s rolling, grey trash bins. Sometimes I wonder what people throw away, although I…

Interfaith Dog Sitting

Tango and I love to have dog visitors, and this weekend I am dog-sitting a Catholic dog. After she arrived yesterday afternoon she sniffed out every nook and cranny of the house. Finally I asked  if she was looking for anything special. She replied, “A rosary”.  Oh my, at that moment I renamed the pious…

Bird and Bat Duty

I love being a minister in a small town church. I am able to interact with our church family on a deeper level than I could in a large church. Our services are informal and more personal. We don’t have a huge hierarchy which means very little in the way of politics and problems. I…

Mosquitoes and Fish

Hunks and Babes. The world is full of beautiful people who excel at attracting others. You know that kind of person who has both a flirty personality and physical appeal. The world is full of attractive people who attract other attractive people and together they make such attractive babies.  I am not one of those…

What the Heck- Joran Van der Sloot

It is true; some of us do not make the best choices in terms of a life partner. It’s the most obvious stuff we tend to overlook, things like emotional availability,  overall compatibility, religious differences, and/or  a shared desire for children (or not). But Joran Van der Sloot? This is the guy who admitted killing…

Who is Eating all that Vanilla Ice-Cream?

Yesterday I read a shocking statistic. Vanilla ice-cream is the most popular flavor in America. Over 30% of our citizens prefer vanilla over any other kind. And, to make things even worse, Moose Tracks was not even in the top 20 list of favorite ice-cream flavors. None of the Ben and Jerry flavors made the…

In Search of the Perfect Mop

This weekend I have a wedding. On Sunday, we have a Baptism, Sunday School awards, and Memorial Day acknowledgements! However, nothing is more important than my search for the perfect mop : ) I do have a mop already, and it is only a year old.  The problem is, the mop is headless (sponge less…


While in Ohio helping mom move, I muttered often under my breath about all the stuff she had accumulated. I judged Mom and patted myself on the back for being much more sensible about stuff. I silently thanked the “Stuff Empress of the Universe” that I am not a hoarder.  I don’t have piles and…