Of Course it Snowed!

Unlike my spoiled desert rat friends, I enjoy living in a 4-season climate (SE Wyoming). I especially enjoy the transition to the new season: when daffodils spring up, when the nights are getting balmy towards summer , when the trees subtly change color in early fall, and finally, when the wicked winter winds whip up. Well, not really…

Rubber Chicken Purse

Not long ago, while looking for something important (i.e., powdered peanut butter) on Amazon, I came across a Rubber Chicken purse. Seriously. When I saw this beauty, my inner child rebelled against the mature minister so successfully that I passed out in shock. When I awoke, there was an email from Amazon saying, thank you…

Adventures in Refashion

This spring I again went through my possessions and created quite a pile of cast-offs for the church rummage sale and thrift store. My son came home and cleared out his stuff too! Light is starting to shine into the corners and closets of this big home. I did a similar purge last year so…

Is It Wrong to Love Bacon Ranch Dressing?

In the past few years I have reduced meat consumption, learned to love plant-based protein (that’s you tofu), ingested fewer sweets, consumed mountains of vitamins, swallowed several daily meds, walked 5Ks, started training to run a 5K, stretched, twisted, turn, bought a bike, walked my dog, grown my own organic veggies, eaten at least one…

12 Volt Electric Blanket – Gear Review

At night I sleep on top of an electric blanket. I put it under the fitted sheet and let it simmer all night long! I wonder: how did I get through so many Wyoming and Colorado winter without this? One night I got to thinking, “can I find a 12 V electric blanket for the…

Battery Box- Product Review

This device is often used as a power source by boaters. Others keep one for jump starting a vehicle. No matter what, it’s an amazing little device if you need power and an air compressor, and an ultra bright light to scare away the noctural critters. Here are the features of my battery box. 9…

Fresh Trout

My son was here for spring break and caught some beautiful trout in a local creek. Here is how we cooked them after he cleaned em out and chopped off the head: Ingredients 1/4 cup honey finely diced green onion 1 tbs lemon juice Mix all together and pour into fish. Wrap in foil, bake approx 25 mins…

Pedometer – Gear Review

I love my pedometer. It keeps track of the steps I walk or jog. Each day it starts over and then keeps track the whole week. Additionally, the device converts to miles walked and MPH. With a calendar and date readout, what is not to like? It comes with a lanyard, but you can also…

5K Training – Week One

I started training to run a 5K. For the first few weeks I am walking, to build up some stamina and loosen up the muscles after a long winter. I am using a pedometer to keep track. My goal right now is 10,000 steps per day; however, I have not gone over 7500 steps. I…